Musings on the aches and pains of learning software development.
Me code pretty someday.
An introduction to the alphabet soup of the web, starting with HTTP and URL, and ending with a dessert course of cookies.
Prototype is a property of an object in JavaScript, which is important when considering the concept of inheritance...
Both Ruby and JavaScript allow data storage in the form of key/value pairs. How similar is the syntax of this concept in these two languages?
Classes are an easy way to create large numbers of objects in ruby. Instead of defining separate methods...
As its name suggests, the .group_by method is used to group a collection by the results of a block of code that is passed to the method...
Why would you use one instead of the other?
CSS classes and IDs are two types of selectors that are used to designate HTML elements to which properties and values are applied...
Version control is beneficial because projects are often being worked on by multiple developers, creating the risk of one developer overwriting the work of another, or data loss...